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Digital Detox

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the digital whirlwind. Our smartphones, tablets, and laptops have become extensions of ourselves, accompanying us everywhere we go. While technology undoubtedly enriches our lives in many ways, excessive screen time can take its toll on both our physical and mental health. That is where the concept of a digital detox comes in. A digital detox is not a new concept, it involves consciously unplugging from digital devices for a set period, allowing ourselves to reconnect with the physical world and rejuvenate our minds and bodies. One of the often-overlooked benefits of a digital detox is the positive impact it can have on our posture. Social media platforms do not hide the fact they are designed to psychologically keep us hooked and…


Self Care Isn't Selfish

In today's fast-paced world, the concept of self-care has become increasingly vital for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical well-being. As a Psychologist, I've witnessed first-hand the transformative effects that self-care practices can have on individuals' lives. From reducing stress and anxiety to enhancing overall happiness and resilience, prioritising self-care is crucial for fostering a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Here are some self-care tips which could help you with self-care: 1. Prioritise Self-Compassion: Self-compassion involves treating oneself with kindness and understanding, especially during challenging times. Rather than being self-critical or judgmental, practice self-compassion by acknowledging your struggles and responding to them with empathy. Research indicates that individuals who are more self-compassionate tend to experience lower levels of stress and depression, along with greater psychological well-being. 2. Establish Boundaries: Setting boundaries is essential for…


Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy is an exciting journey for many women and accessing various health services can enhance pre and post-natal outcomes. Chiropractic care ranks third in popularity after massage and yoga. It offers drug-free pain relief making it a preferred choice for many expecting mothers.  Before conception, a consultation with your GP for blood tests, reviewing vaccination status and discussing family history is crucial. During the first 20 weeks, routine ultrasounds and midwife appointments are standard. Some women may experience discomfort in the pelvic girdle, lower back and hips. This may prompt visits to a chiropractor for pain relief through tailored low-force techniques. Between 28 to 36 weeks, pregnancy related discomfort may increase. Chiropractic care helps manage pain through soft tissue techniques, adjustments or mobilisations and exercise recommendations. In the final weeks leading…


Why a Sports Dietitian?

An accredited sports dietitian undergoes specialised training tailored for both exercise enthusiasts and sports professionals, spanning the entire spectrum. Following at least two-years of clinical experience, they continue their education and commit to ongoing professional development. Beyond devising strategies to optimize performance and recovery, sports dietitians are equipped to tackle a wide array of clinical conditions. How can a sports dietitian help you? Enhance performance & recovery Your dietary choices wield direct influence over both your performance and recovery capabilities. Consuming appropriate foods at optimal times guarantees peak bodily function and facilitates sufficient nutrient intake for effective recovery. If you're experiencing subpar results in the gym or performance setbacks, consulting a sports dietitian can provide valuable assistance. Maintain Health and Treat Conditions Because accredited sports dietitians hold dual accreditation as practicing dietitians, they possess clinical…


Deep in Thought Quote - May 2024

To be truly positive in the eyes of some, you have to risk appearing negative in the eyes of others. - Criss Jami.…


Truly Enjoy Rather Than Consume

In the bustling pace of modern life, we often find ourselves caught in a relentless cycle of consumption. We consume food, products, media, experiences, and even relationships at an unprecedented rate, all in the pursuit of fulfilment and happiness. However, amidst this frenzy, we often overlook the profound difference between consuming life and savouring it. The energy of enjoyment lies not in the mere act of consumption, but in the art of savouring each moment, finding joy in simplicity, and embracing the richness of life's experiences. What do you mindlessly consume rather than truly enjoy? Maria Nemeth (Psychologist) shares her experience eating a desert with a friend in this snippet of her article on We sit down, side by side, and each of us orders a hot fudge sundae with nuts and…


How To Navigate Menopause Naturally with Acupuncture

Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman's life, signalling the end of her reproductive years. However, this natural process often brings a myriad of uncomfortable symptoms that can disrupt daily life and diminish overall well-being. While hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been a conventional treatment for menopause symptoms, many women seek alternative therapies to manage their symptoms, one of which is acupuncture. Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing practice, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to promote balance and alleviate various ailments. Accompanied with traditional Chinese herbs, a skilled practitioner can achieve relief for their patients. That is why increasingly, women experiencing menopause symptoms are turning to acupuncture as a safe and effective complementary therapy. Here, we explore the benefits of acupuncture for menopause symptoms…


Unlock the Beauty of Healthy Looking Toenails!

It is summer, and great beach weather, unless you are suffering from unsightly toenails? Grace, our skilled podiatrist, has the solution you've been looking for - Introducing Keryflex! Keryflex is a cosmetic treatment for damaged or unsightly toenails. It is specifically designed for individuals who have toenails that are discoloured, cracked, split, or otherwise damaged due to trauma, fungal infection, or other conditions. Keryflex is a polymer resin that is applied to the nail bed and sculpted to create a natural-looking artificial nail. The process involves cleaning and preparing the damaged toenail, applying the resin, and then curing it with a special ultraviolet light. Once cured, the resin hardens and adheres to the nail bed, providing a durable and attractive covering for the damaged nail. Keryflex can be shaped and coloured to…


Strategies for Managing Procrastination

Getting back into day-to-day tasks after some time off can be a challenge – whether it’s work or study. If you happen to find yourself struggling with procrastination here are some practical ways which may assist you in the battle. When looking to implement practical strategies for beating your procrastination it can be helpful to know the what, how and when. What? For establishing what needs to be done, give the following a try: Write a ‘To Do’ list - This could include goals and/or tasks you need to achieve. The list could be for the day, or the week, or longer – the timeframe will depend on what makes sense for your situation. Prioritise the list of tasks/goals, establishing which is most important to the least important; Grade the tasks/goals, by breaking each task…


Shingles Vaccination

Adults aged 65 years and older, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged 50 years and over and Immunocompromised adults aged 18 years and over with specific medical conditions are now eligible to receive the free Shingles vaccine, Shingrix. Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a painful virus and your risk of shingles (and its complications), increase as you age. Shingrix is a non-live vaccine that offers long lasting, effective protection against shingles. You will require two doses of Shingrix.  If you meet the above age eligibility and if you have NOT received a government funded Zostavax vaccine in the last 5 years, or have not had Shingles in the last 12 months, please book into one of our bulk-billed Shingrix clinics.  …


Which book, so far, has had the most significant impact on your life?

I have a question for you, Which book, so far, has had the most significant impact on your life? Maybe it was an inspirational novel, a relationship book, an inspiring science, a great business book, a biography or a motivational book that inspired you to act, think, or see life situations differently. Whether you can name “that one book” or your top 5, most of us can agree books can be life-changing in very positive ways. What many of us lose sight of is the amazing hidden health benefits of reading a book. In a world filled with countless distractions, it's easy to overlook the simple pleasure and immense benefits of reading. Beyond being a source of entertainment and knowledge, reading is also a powerful tool for enhancing your overall health and well-being. From reducing stress…


Deep in Thought - Quote - Intrinsic Motivation

Perhaps no single phenomenon reflects the positive potential of human nature as much as intrinsic motivation, the inherent tendency to seek out novelty and challenges, to extend and exercise one’s capacities, to explore, and to learn. - Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci


Movember 2023

I’m usually not a Moustache fan, but this month I most certainly am because it’s Movember. When growing a moustache is a fantastic thing, no matter how it looks. The most important thing about Movember is it gets men of all ages thinking and talking about some important health topics, and hopefully this leads to action.  One of these important topics is Prostate Cancer. A sobering thought for all Aussie men is that your odds of getting prostate cancer is higher than dying playing Russian Roulette. Statistically, 1 in 5 Australian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their life time. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the prostate gland and is commonly used as a biomarker for prostate health. Elevated PSA levels can be a cause for concern, as…


How To Improve Pain Management, Improved Mobility, Muscle Strength And Joint Support – Michael Battye (Osteopath Tyack Health)

In a world where stress and sedentary lifestyles have become the norm, the quest for good health is of the upmost importance. This is where Osteopathy can help! Osteopathy is renowned for its effectiveness in managing and alleviating pain. Whether it is chronic back pain, joint discomfort, or muscular tension, osteopathic treatments aim to identify and address the root cause of the pain. By manipulating and mobilizing the musculoskeletal system, osteopaths facilitate the body's natural healing mechanisms to assist in providing relief from pain. Techniques used may include forms of dry needling, massage, stretching, manipulations and mobilizations to assist. At the same time, we cannot always rely upon passive hands-on therapy. It is just as important to teach patients to take control over their own health and wellbeing. One of the strategies to do this looks…


Why Spring Cleaning Your Habits Is Good For You!

As the saying goes, “Show me your habits, and I’ll show you your future.” You have probably done some spring cleaning around your house. Spring-cleaned your wardrobe, the pool, and possibly even the garden. It feels good, doesn’t it? Do you want to feel even better this spring?   Then, what about your daily habits? Spring-cleaning can also work wonders for your life and well-being. Here are some of the benefits of spring-cleaning your personal habits: Increased Productivity: Decluttering your daily routine is akin to decluttering your living space. By re-evaluating your habits, you can identify inefficiencies and time-wasters. Streamlining your habits can help you become more productive and focused on your goals. Better Time Management: Spring-cleaning your personal habits forces you to prioritize what's truly important. You can eliminate habits that steal your time and replace…


Ingrown Toenail Treatment on-site

Our Podiatrist, Grace, offers effective treatment for ingrown toenails, including nail surgery.  Please book an appointment with Grace to assess the cause and severity of your condition, then she can recommend the best treatment plan, and advise relevant costs.


Is Your Child Prep 2024 Ready?

OT Assessments just $44   Is your child getting ready for Prep, but you have developmental concerns?  We can help!   Introducing Our In-House Developmental Screener Only $44 per Screening Test with a Brief Report Our Occupational Therapy practitioners are here to assist you in ensuring your child is ready for the exciting journey of starting Prep. We understand that every child is unique and may have varying developmental needs. Our comprehensive developmental screener is designed to identify any potential areas of concern so that you can provide the best support for your child's successful transition into Prep. What’s Included: Developmental Screening Test: Thorough assessment to identify areas for growth. Report: A brief report with personalised recommendations. Expert Guidance: Insights from our experienced Occupational Therapists. Peace of Mind: Know that you are doing everything to support your child's development.   Why Choose Us: Experienced…


Hydrotherapy Sessions are fun – Book now!

Experience a unique and professional fusion of expertise with our combined physiotherapist and exercise physiologist water therapy classes. Our tailored program offers low to moderate intensity exercises, designed for rehabilitation and maintaining general wellbeing. When: Friday afternoons 1-3pm Number of participants are capped to a maximum of 10 people. Contact reception in person or call 07 3249 5333 to get onto our waitlist. Cost of class: $25 (Tyack fee) Sleeman has an entry fee of $5.50 for concession and $6.60 adult



What is your Ikigai? Chances are you do not know what that is unless you speak fluent Japanese.  We actually don’t have a specific word for it in English, which highlights to me, we may be missing something important!  According to some sources, people who practice ikigai live on average 10 years longer than people in the Western world.  Ten extra years is very significant, so what could it be? A super food, deep meditation, intermittent fasting…it is surprisingly none of these.   Ikigai is a Japanese word that describes a “reason for being”, or “a unique purpose in life”. The Japanese refer to it as your “reason to wake up in the morning.” In recent years, the pursuit of happiness, purpose, and well-being has gained significant attention worldwide. People are increasingly seeking…


How To Choose Between Counselling And Psychology

Counsellors help people tackle problems in a positive way by helping to clarify issues, explore options and develop strategies. ‘Counsellors are experts in listening and helping people achieve their personal goals,’ says Dr Tristan Snell, a counselling psychologist and senior lecturer in psychology at Deakin University. ‘They don't tend to do diagnosis or assessment, but they will support people with mild to moderate symptoms of mental illness.’ Counsellors adopt a more person-centred approach, says Dr Snell. ‘If you went to see a psychologist, they would probably do quite a comprehensive assessment to begin with, whereas a counsellor would begin by listening and discussing what your goals are,’ he says.Psychologists are trained in the science of how people think, feel, behave and learn. Many psychologists work in therapeutic settings, assessing people’s concerns…